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How to Rank Higher Than Planned Parenthood

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the marketing tools you can use to make your website more visible online. Through effective SEO practices, it’s possible to rank higher than Planned Parenthood in search results for certain keywords. 

Ranking Higher than Planned Parenthood

Following these steps will give you the best chance to outrank Planned Parenthood or other abortion clinics in your area.

  1. Select Your Desired Keyword

What do you want to rank higher than Planned Parenthood for? Do you want to rank for abortion, pregnancy testing, STD testing, another keyword, or all of the above? 

Pre-determine the keywords you want to rank for and build an SEO and content creation strategy around them. If you want to see what women are searching for online, you can also use Google Trends to identify what women in your area are searching for, and the popularity of certain terms.

  1. Create Content Around Your Keyword Selections

Once you know the keywords you want to target, you can begin to write blogs with those keywords in mind. You can also revisit your previous blogs and add a few sentences or change words to your targeted keywords. 

If you want to rank for a new service term, such as “STD testing,” you can also add a new page about this. You can go back to your website pages about services and update them to include STD testing. Make sure the keywords you want to rank for are strategically and naturally placed throughout your website.

Please note: it’s critical to avoid keyword stuffing. This is when you overuse the keywords in your content and metadata to increase your page ranking. Instead of the desired effect, this can negatively impact your page rank if Google detects this practice. Keywords in content should sound natural when read, and also be interspersed with complementary keywords or synonyms.

  1. Optimize Your Metadata

Metadata is simply information on the backend of your website. Make sure these are strategically optimized for your targeted keywords. Here are a few of the main pieces of metadata to optimize.

Meta description – This is the snippet that appears on search engines and describes the page. Write an eye-catching description about 155 characters long with keywords in mind.

Alt Text or Alt Description This is the text that appears when a graphic fails to load on a website. It also tells search engines what is in the graphic so they can index it. 

Title Tags – These tags indicate the title of your content or page. 

Heading Tags – These help organize your pages by providing headings in a hierarchy. This shows Google how your content is arranged in your blog posts or pages.

These pieces of information can include your keywords to help improve your rankings. Make sure to optimize all of your backend metadata for the best SEO results.

  1. Ensure Top Website Performance

Check your website’s performance. Your website should load in about three seconds and not have any broken links. This means users will not accidentally navigate to a page with a 404 “Page not found” message. 

Additionally, you should make sure you are following technical SEO best practices by implementing all the metadata mentioned above.

  1. Think About Your User Experience

If you were visiting your website for the first time, would the navigation be intuitive? Would you be able to find what you’re looking for and navigate the website with ease?

If your website is user-friendly, this will reduce the bounce rates on your website as page users visit more pages and stick around longer. It will also help potential clients fill out a form to contact you or schedule an appointment. 

The more user-friendly your website is, the better it will perform in search engines.

You Can Rank Higher, But It’s an Ongoing Effort

Through ongoing search engine optimization with the five steps above, you can rank higher than Planned Parenthood. 

Keep in mind that results come with dedication and routine. If you continue to optimize your website and follow a content strategy, you can see results.

Need SEO Expertise?

Looking for a marketing partner who can provide comprehensive search engine optimization services? We have you covered. Our team of experts know the ins and outs of SEO and look at every aspect. They will help you improve your website speed, SEO content strategy, and conversion rates.

Contact us today to get started.